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Public Comment at Board Meetings
The WSIB designates approximately 20 minutes for public comment as part of each regularly scheduled meeting of the full Board. One exception is the annual Board Strategic Planning Meeting, where only written public comments are accepted. The Board's meetings are conducted as open public meetings. To submit public comment in writing, please email submissions at least 24 hours in advance of scheduled meetings. Submissions received in this time frame will be provided to Board members in preparation of our meetings.

Time allocation for public comment may be adjusted at the meeting at the discretion of the Board Chair in order to manage the agenda in an effective manner for all involved.

Visit our Board Info page for additional information and to sign-up.

Media & Information Request
Contact WSIB’s main phone & email to be connected to Institutional Relations/Public Affairs.
Public Records Request
  • For public records requests contact or email/mail your form to:
  • Public Records Officer
  • Email:
  • Phone: (360) 956-4742
  • Fax: (360) 464-9037

Washington State Investment Board
2100 Evergreen Park Drive SW
P.O. Box 40916
Olympia, Washington 98504-0916
Main Phone & Email
(360) 956-4600
Employment Verification
Please contact